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windows7旗舰版64位,苹果将关闭iTunes 由三个独立App取代

发布时间:2019-06-05 09:26:55 文章来源:windows7中文版 作者: computer哥


  Apple confirms iTunes is being changed to three apps

  iTunes将退出历史舞台 拆解为三款App

  In perhaps the most highly anticipated announcement of the day, Apple announced that it is replacing iTunes with three separate apps on its new MacOS Catalina operating system. Craig Federighi, senior vice president of software engineering, paid an homage to the 18 year-old iTunes, saying it has brought customers music, podcasts, video, and that it handled synching, making possible iPod and iPhones -- but it's time for changes to be made.

  苹果公司在此次发布会上确认了在新的MacOS Catalina系统中将不再有iTunes,而是由三款独立App取代。iTunes已经陪伴了用户18年,它承载了播放音乐、广播、视频的功能,同时兼具同步传输功能,如今iTunes将退出历史舞台。

  苹果世界开发者大会2019年6月3日至7日在美国加州圣何塞召开。此次,windows7遇到关键问题一分钟重启,苹果公司发布了最新版本的iOS、MacOS和WatchOS,以及一款新Mac Pro。同时,苹果将关闭iTunes应用,windows7系统硬件设置,由其他三个App取代。

  Apple held its opening keynote for the 2019 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Jose, California, on Monday. The iPhone maker showed off new versions of iOS, MacOS, WatchOS and unveiled a new Mac Pro, among other highlights.

综上所述,这就是windows7中文版的本文作者:computer哥给你们提供的windows7旗舰版64位,苹果将关闭iTunes 由三个独立App取代了,所写的原创文章仅此参考,觉得这篇文章不错就可以分享给身边的朋友,欢迎点评,版权声明:如若转载,请注明:windows7中文版,谢谢!
